I don’t like being wronged
But I hate more being wrong.
Sometimes I’m wrong about
Being wronged.
That’s the worst.
I have never been one to keep
My feelings bottled up inside me..
I have to express how I feel and
I have to be listened to and
My feelings have to matter.
That’s important to me.
What I hate above all of the above
Is the fear of being alone.
Of being too difficult to love.
Of being too challenging to care for.
I work on being a better man
Every day.
I will not stop until I die.
And I care more than I should about
People who should care for me more than they do.
That’s people in general.
I am so self-conscious.
That is a large part of my social anxiety
But not all of it.
Most of it I cannot explain.
It’s just always been there
Lurking, waiting for the right situation
To pop up and say, “Nope. You can’t do this.
You can’t accomplish this thing you need to accomplish today.”
It kept me from making friendships when I was young.
It kept me from a College Degree.
It keeps me today from pursuing my dreams.
When will I conquer this beast?