
She loves me so devotedly and true.

That I say she has never loved before.

And I'm not sure exactly what to do.

It's only me who she seems to adore

I know my lover loves me by the look

Upon her face when I tell her goodbye.

She doesn’t even beg for a reprieve.

In fact, my lady then begins to cry.

And when I begged her hand she wept and wept.
The tears just kept on coming whilst she sobbed.

For I’m the secret that she never kept.

But somehow I feel like I'm being jobbed.

But what did you just say? She cannot stand?

My adoration or my withered hand?


The forest seems so very much alive.

It’s all connected in myster'yous ways.

And though you scorch her surface, she survives.

The heart of what is here cannot be phased.

It speaks in ways no ear could ever hear.

In chemicals and quantum particles.

When just one plant is damaged there are tears

It’s true according to some articles.

So when you hurt the forest there is pain.

Everything has feelings you must see.

Together they rejoice when there is rain.

And sunny days do fill them all with glee.

It's quantum on an elemental scale.

Entangled trees throughout the hidden vale.


An empty-hearted person would abstain

From any future conquests of the soul.

A river flowing backward through my brain.

And suddenly I lose complete control.

If you’re like me you’re losing half your mind.

Trying to keep busy and keep safe.

And any self-improvement you should find

Well, it’s a chance to grow and to replace.

The days all melt together when you’re home

Though Isolation fits you like a shoe.

You’ve prob’ly heard the saying ‘When in Rome.’

Do unto Caesar that which he is due.

But did you know that Nero had a lyre?

The last thing we could see there through the fire.


Eros’ quill of arrows through my soul.

A feeling that can never be defined.

As lustful as a story ever told.

Of creatures, gods and people... and their lies.

I’m not surprised it took a couple blows.

My heart has always hardened at first sight

But when I saw your face I swear it froze.

And arrows from a cherub got me right.

It built, in me, a welling of desire.

A wanting and a yearning for your all.

You, nude, in all your beauty and your fire.

That burns for me and no one else at all.

And Cupid said we’d love forever more.

A lie he’s likely told a time before.


Familiar wafts of scent flow from her hair—

A hug elicits flashbacks in your mind.

A Pink Floyd concert back in ‘94—

A moment frozen in its place and time.

Her breasts, pressed against your chest as if

She wants to send a message with her bust.

And suddenly you recall regal riffs

Which play inside your head. Their lovely lust—

You wonder if she ever hears them too.

An eavesdrop on the workings of your brain—

And if she did then what on Earth she’d do.

To know your thoughts, she’d think you were insane.

You wonder about asking her to dance.

Then later hear about her gay romance.


Whenever I feel grateful I exclaim:

“I’m thankful for this bounty and this hoard.”

Though I’m a poor man still I must proclaim”

“I’m glad for what I have—that I’m adored.”

For who can be a poor man with these gifts?

To make sense of the world as few else can?

And pen with neither quill nor paper this:

An eloquent proposal for the land.

But you approach and spread your nega-vibes.

And try and paint my mood with breaths of yours.

Try as you may I will not thus subside.
I will not wade into those darkened moors.

But life is seldom more than what you know

I can’t believe you’d try to steal my glow.


Go beyond

You think you can

You can do it,

Magic man

Go far beyond

The binds that tie

You can do it

If you try


Whenever there is sorrow there is pain

And in-between them moments you could fly

And I just get this feeling in my brain

That I can make a difference ere I die.

And that's what motivates me, thus, to grow.

I'm learning how to be much more of me.

I'm trying to learn all there is to know.

I want my eyes to do much more than see.

To see in steepéd wisdom is the plan—

To be equipped to do much more for change—

I have to spread my message through the land

The times we all are in are super strange.

A sad and sorry state we all are in.

Humanity has thrived to its chagrin.


Never have I been the least bit sane,

Nor have I ever stooped to feign to be.

When I hear you say “Stay within your lane.”

Well, that just doesn’t make much sense to me.

Because I have no lane love, I’m the road

Going in both directions all at once.

You see the path I’m on is barely strode.

There isn’t any other to confront.

But I should now expect this from you, dear.

You always underestimate me at your risk.

For I shall always triumph, do you hear?

And you will be left spinning like a disk.

There is no lane or path I will not take.

And thus I’ll leave you trembling in my wake.

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I have enough basil now.

It’s time to make pesto.

My homemade pesto

Pleases every palette

It has the perfect amount of everything

And everything marries together well.

I saute the shrimp and I boil the penne

A little garlic because too much is not a thing.

Pour in the pesto and just get it hot.

My secret? A ladle of the pasta water

All those starches — 

Mixed up in the sauce

Big bowl


Fresh parmesan and Heaven.


A sonnet daily ‘bout the whims of one—

A hopeless lover longing to find love.

Of broken hearts and broken wills, so fun—

Poetry is man's most potent drug.

A poem will keep you healthy, Whitman says.

As long as one dines nightly in the nude.

As for one's opus, always edit, yes.

For one should be improving if they're shrewd.

Improve on adding grey mass to this brain—

An everlasting quest I’m always on.

Any lack of wisdom is my bane.

I try to pass that strength and wisdom on.

I personally know not to believe

The words of mad, nude poets in the eve.


I pour my heart into my verse, and why?

Because sometimes I can’t contain my thoughts.

I have to have an outlet, thus I write.

My words just start to flow—there are a lot.

Thus spilling o’er the brim they go with haste.

Collect in pools of misery and pain.

I sip from them but cannot stand the taste.

Those overwrought divisions of my brain.

If e’er I run through all of my ideas.

I simply scoop a bit of them from there.

I wrap them into abstract thought tortillas

Then dine on them to satisfy the bear.

With this most clever plan, I have such zeal

I tell the world exactly how I feel.


The ember of a pale moon lights the sky.

We cuddle close together to stay warm.

We'll sit under the stars until the morn.

And gaze up at the stars until we cry.

A shooting star appears to light the night.

We make a fading wish upon its glow.

To know a thing it's not for man to know

Will love last or will it end in spite?

But no one ever loved who wasn't brave

Someone who's worth the love is worth the loss.

We throw ourselves in love despite the cost.

For what good is a heart if just to save?

I'd rather live my fullest ere the grave.

Poetry and Musings of the Mad: Luna

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