What a Night

What a night

To see you dear

Awful close

Is awful near

Smell the scent

Of your fair hair

Take the stars

I’ll see you there

Another Frightful Morning

Another frightful morning and I shall

Give myself the axe

That I shall use to hack you when you

Do as I don’t ask.

Just one night with terror and I’ll

Break me into days

With little children running ‘round

And acts in made up plays.

Try me and I’ll show your ass

I mean the things I say.

Push and pull is mighty fine

‘Til you push me away.

Nice of You

 Nice of you to know me

And nice of me, two, three

Weren't you gonna show me

How to catch a dream?

Four of you together could not

Walk in one of my

Forever fatal footprints.

But I will kiss the sky.

Question Eyes

With arms unfolded

But question eyes

I go to greet you

Prepared for lies

You conversate me

With ears that closed

Am I to do now?

Question posed

Voices on the Phone

Come one! come all!

Come near! Come far!

Lend an ear!

You’ll want to hear!

What I have to say,

You will rue the day

When you left your home

This world, to roam!

An evil spreads

It rears its head

Oh, it’s dark, and night

Steals its sun so bright.

If you let it in.

It will steal your grin

Leave you cold, alone

Voices on the phone.

Somewhere It's Summer Forever

Somewhere it's summer forever.
An eternal breeze blows by.
Somewhere I sent you the letter
I wrote, but you didn't reply.
Somewhere we met in a movie
That has no beginning nor end.
It's about love requited, and beauty.
We meet for the first time again and again.

Pilgrim Sunday Church

Alone is a mood that escapes me.
I want for naught, you know.
Bachelorhood ever has shaped me
Into this charming beau.

I’ve always approached it indifferently.
For Love to find me it must search.
But sometimes I feel it intensely.
Like a pilgrim on Sunday to Church.

I’ve never thought much about aging
Of what I will do when I’m old.
And what of the war I’ll be waging?
Will I take on those battles alone?

For me, time is very much finite.
Not much of its sand left to fall.
And tho I act like it’s alright
I’m waiting for someone to call.

Toxic Love

Toxic to you is sweet love to me

Truth, up to you, is a lie, up to me.

Perspective is friendly, even when not

You have to remember to

Entertain thought.

It’s been but a while and I think things are good

I haven’t been smiling — been misunderstood

I haven’t got over the ending of things

Though now I know better and resent your genes.

But I need to father the daughter we had

You took away ‘Husband’ I won’t give you ‘Dad.’

Poetry and Musings of the Mad: Luna

Poetry and Musings of the Mad: Luna : Please throw me a rope So I can climb to your heights. You can help me to cope. You can help set th...