Personal Heaven

Eyes the bluest sky —
Skin as soft as velvet —
Your smile takes me to places I've never been.
Your touch, a million marks on my soul —
Never leave me ever.
I will beg if I must.
Live with me forever.
For life with you is my own personal Heaven.

His Name was Jauan

His hair on fire,
He came in hungry
Willing to sacrifice
Willing to learn
A ball of energy
That lit up the field
There was something there
Too obvious to ignore
But little did they know
The extent of his will
How deep was his hunger
How hot the fire burned
His want to was legendary
So was his play
His love for his teammates
And for the game
There can only be one
We'll see his like never again
We can be glad there was one
His name was Juan

Poetry and Musings of the Mad: Luna

Poetry and Musings of the Mad: Luna : Please throw me a rope So I can climb to your heights. You can help me to cope. You can help set th...